This subdirectory contains Alef Null DSP CARD 4 material. DSP CARD 4 is a simple digital signal processing board expecially for radio amateur purposes. It is based on Motorola DSP56001 and Crystal CS4215 chips. DOC.ZIP Documentation in PostScript form SOURCE.ZIP All released application source code for DSP CARD 4 TOOLS.ZIP Programmers tools for DSP CARD 4 (compiler,linker,simulator and loader) LEONID.ZIP DSP CARD 4 monitor program (called as Leonid-monitor) TESTS.ZIP Simple testprograms for DSP CARD 4 (including source code) BT??????.BIN Newest DEMO-boot image file (to be EPROMmed) ARTICLES.ZIP Some articles (in PostScript form) presented in our local club newletter describing the operation of QRMQRN reductor, G3RUH modem, 1200 bit/s FSK-modem. NOTE: These articles are in Finnish! Please unzip those files with '-d' option because they have subdirectories. There is also ongoing mailing list available where the myriads of DSP CARD 4 technology is discussed: DSP4 related list: Subscribe/unsubscribe with: To: Subject: (whatever, you will see it in server's reply) SUBScribe DSP4 Your Personal Name UNSUBscribe DSP4 ("SUBS" is shortest form of the command, longer version can be used too.. Commands, and list names are case insensitive. More info with `HELP' command) Submission to the list shall be addressed to: